Wells Reads One Book


Wells PTA is embarking on the start of our 6th annual Wells PTA-sponsored, community-wide shared reading event, Wells Reads One Book. This is an optional activity for families to participate in outside of school, but also one that we encourage to help promote the love of literacy in the Wells community. The oldest child in each family has received a copy of the book, Planet Omar: Accidental Magnet Trouble, by Zanib Mian, along with a parent letter and the reading schedule bookmark provided by the PTA on 2/20/25. Check Wells Reads One Book to learn how to participate in this optional opportunity - Watch and listen to volunteers reading the book aloud, engage in fun activities at home, and enter into a variety of reading and writing contests for a chance to win a prize provided by PTA! If you choose to participate in this optional activity, we hope that you enjoy this special reading time with your child. 

Wells Reading Minutes Challenge

The Wells Reading Minutes Challenge will be from February 22 to March 7, 2025. How many minutes can your child read? Any book counts towards your reading minutes!


After completion of the entire 14 day challenge (March 7th), submit your student's FINAL total reading minutes through the links below by 9 p.m. on Monday, March 10th, to be qualified for the school-wide challenge. 3rd - 5th graders can self-report their minutes through the links to the Google Forms in their respective Google Classrooms.


The top three individuals with the most minutes read in each class will be recognized in their classes.We will announce grade-level individual and group winners during the whole school assembly on March 14th.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


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