Wells Elementary PTA offers scholarship(s), as permitted by the approved budget, to graduating Wells Elementary Alums who will be enrolled in an accredited college or university the fall semester immediately following his/her high school graduation. Funds for the scholarships come from Wells Elementary PTA membership fees, fundraising, and community sponsorships. The funded amount for the 2024-2025 scholarship will be one $500 scholarship.

The purpose is to support Wells Elementary Alums who are focused on achieving career goals through higher education. In evaluating each application, the scholarship committee will also consider service and participation in school activities, community involvement and scholastic merit.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements:
  • Applicant must be a graduating high school senior from a Plano ISD High School.
  • Applicant must be an alumnus of the Wells Elementary School
  • Applicant must have attended Wells Elementary School for four or more years.
  • Applicant or applicant’s parent/guardian must have been a member of Wells Elementary PTA for three or more years.
  • Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited college or university immediately following his/her high school graduation.
  • A completed application and required documents must be received by 5:00pm, April 30, 2025 to be eligible for consideration.


Guidelines for Submission

In order to qualify, the applicant must complete and submit the following:

  • Application Form
  • A resume listing school activities, extracurricular activities, special
    recognitions and awards the applicant received in high school. Also, list any work/volunteer
    experience during the high school years.
  • A copy of High School Transcript
  • A 300-500 word essay discussing how Wells Elementary influenced your educational path.
  • One Letter of Recommendation: personal or professional (excluding relatives)

**All documents and applications must be marked: "Wells Elementary PTA SCHOLARSHIP" and
can be submitted via email to: carla.hackaday@gmail.com by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.



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