Wells Elementary PTA – Board Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2021
The board meeting of the Wells Elementary PTA was called to order on August 10, 2021 at 10:04am via in person, Annamarie Saavedra, with secretary, Joanne Carrasco, being present. A quorum was established.
There were no minutes to approve since this is the first board meeting for the 2021-2022 school year.
The treasurer’s report showed:
Beginning balance: $37,160.62
No treasurer report was presented, this is the first board meeting for the year. No transactions to review. Only statement if financial position was presented.
There were no correspondences to share with the membership.
President’s Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. Review of the PTA Fall Guidelines 2021-2022 of what we can and cannot do for the first nine weeks of school due to the Covid flare up. The document outlines various guidelines on school events. It can be found attached to these minutes for reference. We can host fund raising events, large gathering events, however we cannot host them during the school day or inside the school. Planning for some events can go forward but it should be done with caution that at any moment the school and PISD PTA Council can put everything on hold depending on Covid 19 cases rising. Virtual options need to be offered for any event taking place for families that wish to participate in fundraising events. The Fall carnival that typically takes place during the first nine weeks of school is going to be moved to the Spring. The parent party auction will be moved to the fall to help balance the cash flow and can take place in early November. There will be one book fair this year in the Fall. If there is a need to make the book fair virtual this can easily be done. The Read-A-Thon and Wells reads one book will partner together and take place February 14-28th 2022.
Red Ribbon week, Arts in Education and Reflections will remain the same. 5th grade camp is scheduled for November 10-12. Movie night and camp out will be coordinated with the Tiger Dads. Tiger Dads are allowed to return and help with carpool doors. There is an ask for handy helping hands with building 18 lounge chairs and to help mount different signage around the school. Ral Mazza will help coordinate Tiger Dads to assist with this task. Planning of parties and assemblies will be on hold until the schools advise otherwise. College and career week will take place in January. 100th day of school will be towards the end of January. Friendship parties will be planned once we are able to have gatherings. Multicultural event planning will hold off until the fall. Field day is scheduled for May 20th, 2022. Teacher appreciation week is scheduled for May is already planned by Amy Carter. End of year party will be on hold until we are told it can take place. 5th grade graduation will be planned under the assumption it will be a traditional graduation and if things need to change it can be done. Annamarie Saavedra will update the calendar and share with the board.
Annamarie Saavedra reviewed the 2021-2022 proposed budget. A copy of the proposed budget can be found attached to these minutes. Jean or Leave Early Passes will take place twice this year, once in November and one in February. Volunteers can be on campus in person, but it needs to be pre-scheduled. This is for the purpose of contact tracing in the event there is a positive case on campus while a visitor is on campus. Board meeting will take place Friday mornings. For the first nine weeks board meetings and general meetings will take place via zoom. Additional general meeting dates need to be added to the calendar. Annamarie Saavedra will finish adding the general meeting dates on the calendar depending on the meeting requirements set by the PTA.
Communications Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. There is no communications chair for this year yet. Annamarie Saavedra is working on it for now. She will work to get the first newsletter out. Send her any content suggestions via email or text. Sara Meyer is recommending the PTA create a short video to include with parent communications to encourage participation.
Wells Administrative Staff Report was presented by Principal Sara Meyer. Enrollment is currently at 577 and is expected to add more students. With the new virtual option being offered they all those students stay rostered at our campus. This virtual option is a parent led option. PISD provides the parents the kit for the parents to teach the students. It is possible that about 15-20% of families might move to the virtual option based on the ratio of students that selected virtual learning last year. There is new staff joining Wells as well as returning staff.
Important Dates:
Board Meeting Dates:
- Friday, September 10th at 8:00 am
- Friday, October 8th at 8:00 am
- Friday, November 12th at 8:00 am
- Friday, December 3rd at 8:00 am
- Friday, January 14th at 8:00am
- Friday, February 11th at 8:00am
- Friday, March 18th at 8:00am
- Friday, April 8th at 8:00am
- Friday, May 6th at 8:00am
General Meeting Dates:
- Friday, August 27th at 8:00am
- Thursday, October 21st at 4:00pm
- Thursday, December 9th at 8:00am
Meeting adjourned at 11:11am.
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- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Thursday, March 13