Wells Elementary PTA – General Meeting Minutes 

August 27, 2021 


The general meeting of Wells Elementary PTA was called to order on August 27th, 2021 at 8:02am via  zoom by president, Annamarie Saavedra, with secretary, Joanne Carrasco, being present. A quorum was  established


There were no minutes to approve, this is the first general meeting for the school year. The treasurer’s report showed:  


Since this is the first general meeting a statement of financial position was presented. It will be  attached to these meeting minutes.  

No treasurer report was presented, only the statement of financial position was presented. The  balances is the PayPal and Capital One account need to be slightly adjusted because of the new school  year. The capital one account has approximately $15,000 and they Paypal account has $24,207. We are  in a healthy financial position.  

There were a few correspondences to share with the membership. They were thank you notes from  teachers.  


President’s Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. Joes Pasta and Pizza donated empty pizza  boxes to 5th graders so they can make solar ovens. The 1st grade teachers requested carts to help carry  lunchboxes and water bottles to the lunchroom. They also requested lanyards with carrying cases so  that students can carry their lunch cards to process purchasing lunch. These request are able to be met.  


Programs Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. Some upcoming events taking place are:  • September 5th- Plano ISD PTA Council Spirit Night at Hawaiian Falls 

  • September 12th-18th Arts in Education Week and the start of the Reflections program. Flyers are  forthcoming for it. 
  • October 25th-19th Red Ribbon Week 

Based on new board and PTA guidelines large gatherings on campus during school hours are not allowed  at the time.  


Communications Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. The current communications position  is open. If you have anything you would like added to social media platforms please send it to  Annamarie Saavedra. The first newsletter is expected to be sent out the first week of September. If  anyone is interested in helping with this vacant position please reach out to Annamarie Saavedra.  


Volunteers Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. The grade level coordinators for the year  were presented and are as follows: 

Kinder: Morgan Whitney English, Melissa Land, Theresa Carlson, Tiffany Lynch 

1st grade: Molly Rex

2nd grade: Calie McDougall 

3rd grade: Jennifer Lipman 

4th grade: Bahia Ramirez 

5th grade & graduation committee: Annamarie Saavedra, Natalie Drake, Paige Reagan 

Amy Carter is the hospitality chair and she has coordinated a back to school breakfast for the teachers.  The budget for hospitality needed to be increased from $500-$1,000. Paige Reagan made a motion and  Elizabeth Conrad 2nd the motion. Annamarie Saavedra will be helping promote tiger dads on social  media platforms to help recruit more dads. With regards to orange PTA folders: tor the remainder of  August, PTA board members can volunteer to assist with stuffing the orange PTA folders. The schedule  for grade assignments will be as follows: 

September - Kindergarten  

October- 1st grade 

November- 2nd grade 

December- 3rd grade 

January- 4th grade 

February - 5th grade 

March and April - PTA board members  

May- General Volunteers 

The signup genius for each level has been created. The front office will need to be notified in advance of  any volunteer on campus.  


Ways and means Report was presented by Gayle Stanley. Events coming up are as follows:  

  • September 14 Spirit night at Joes Pasta N Pizza (Joes Pasta N Pizza recently donated pizza boxes so  that 5th grade students could build solar ovens.) 
  • September 20th-October 1st North Texas Giving Day and Write a Check Campaign  • October 16th Auction (tentative) 
  • October 28 Spirit night at Chick Fil A (tentative-to be confirmed closer to date) 

Ongoing fundraiser efforts: Spirit wear store, World Wear Bin, Amazon Smile, Box Tops grocery  incentives. By Monday August 30th the spirit wear online store will be fully functional. The auction will  most likely move to the spring.  


Wells Administrative Staff Report was presented by Principal Sara Meyer. The school has been off to a  really good start. The new staff that has joined are focusing on building relationships with students and  it has been great to see effective instructional strategies they are using. There is a lot of energy, good  ideas and instruction that is going on. The school has worked very hard to ensure they are fully staffed.  Many schools are struggling to hire staff and get positions filled. Wells was able to hire 2 additional  special education para-professionals by the second week of the start of school. There are currently 565  students enrolled. 16% of the current student community has selected TVO option(Temporary Virtual  Option). Theses students are not physically on campus but they are enrolled at Wells Elementary.  Students have been busy completing beginning of the year base line assessments for 1st-5th grades.  Kindergarten will begin taking these assessments the week of August 30th. The students have been  working hard to get into routines. The focus has been on welcoming the students back, building 

community, understanding expectations and getting into routines to have a successful year. Sara Meyer  has been asked about purchasing spirit wear. The spirit wear chair has finalized the inventory and on  August 30th the spirt wear store will go live online. Inventory is limited, what items remain will go on  line on August 30th. It's been amazing to see how the PTA has been supporting the school in so many  aspects. Sara Meyer thanked the PTA for their time and dedication to Wells. Covid notifications will no  longer be going out to the entire school when there is a covid case. Current case numbers can be found  on the dashboard. Mask changes went into effect on August 26.  


New business, question, comments: With so many students biking to school a question was asked if  there are additional bike racks on campus because the current one is full most days. If there is not  another one, can PISD or the PTA assist with getting a new bike rack added to the school grounds? Sara  Meyer will work on asking facilities if this is a request they can assist with and if not it will be turned over  to the PTA to see what can be done. Annamarie Saavedra suggested adding the meeting minutes to the  PTA website for those members that are not able to attend.  



Important Dates: 

Board Meeting Dates: 

  • Friday, September 10th at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, October 8th at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, November 12th at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, December 3rd at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, January 14th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, February 11th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, March 18th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, April 8th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, May 6th at 8:00am 

General Meeting Dates: 

  • Thursday, October 21st at 4:00pm 
  • Thursday, December 9th at 8:00am 

Meeting adjourned at 8:52am. 



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 Please register with Membership Toolkit to gain access to our online spirit wear store, online directory, membership registration, and our bi-weekly newsletter. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?

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