Wells Elementary PTA – General Meeting Minutes 

October 21, 2021 

The general meeting of the Wells Elementary PTA was called to order on October 21, 2021 at 4:06 pm via zoom by president, Annamarie Saavedra, with secretary, Joanne Carrasco, being present. A quorum  was established

The minutes of the previous general meeting from August 27, 2021 were presented and approved. The treasurer’s report showed:  

Statement of financial position was presented. Annamarie Saavedra and Danielle Stevens are  working together to get Danielle Stevens added to the account. The statement shows steady  income. Sources of income mentioned were from the World Wear Bin, grocery incentives, and  direct deposits from Amazon for those that have chosen Wells as their donation of choice from  Amazon Smile and spirit nights.  

No treasurer report was presented.  

There were no correspondences to share with the membership. 

President’s Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. There have been a lot of questions from  parents regarding what can and cannot be done on campus for the first nine weeks based on the PTA  guidelines for covid. There have been new PTA guidelines received regarding volunteers on campuses  and gatherings. Annamarie Saavedra will be sending the new revised guidelines to Paige Reagan so she  can upload them to the PTA website. There will be adjustments to programming based on these new  guidelines. These are guidelines related to PTA operations. Things need to be followed in a responsible  manner. There will be different volunteer opportunities opening back up. We can begin coordinating  traditional gatherings such as winter parties and book fairs. There are a few open positions that need to  be filled: Bank statement opener, parent education chair, multicultural night chair, spring fling/carnival  chair, Special and Gifted Education (SAGE) chair, after school programs chair. Currently underway is the  write a check campaign where parents are asked to make a personal meaningful donation to the PTA.  With those funds things like new bike racks can be added to the school. Now that guidelines have  changed staff luncheons will be taking place in person and this will require parents to donate snacks for  the staff meetings. There is a current need to make a budget adjustment, the school laminator is in need  of being replaced. The cost is approximately: $2,500.00. It is more cost effective to purchase a new one  than to repair it. Since this cost isn’t part of the adopted budget this is being presented to the PTA  membership for approval to increase Grants line item in the budget in order to accommodate this  request. This is a well used machine to help create items that students use. A motion to approve the  increase in the grants line item for $2,500.00 was made by Amy Carter and Paige Reagan 2nd the  motion. Annamarie Saavedra informed the school and the PTA that the motion is approved and a new  laminator will be purchased for the school.  

Programs Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. An after school robotics and coding club with  Wize Computing Academy is scheduled to begin in November. Wize provides after school enrichment  classes. They provide all the material and a robotics project will be created on a weekly basis. The 

students are challenged based on grade level and prior experience. There will need to be a PTA  volunteer during the class time. Annamarie Saavedra will be on site for most of the classes but there may  be instances where someone else will need to fill in. A flyer to promote it will be going out in the orange  PTA folders. If parents are members of the PTA, the registration fee for the robotics program will be  waived. Red ribbon week begins October 25th- 29th. Reflections program deadline is October 29th.  Tiger dads will hopefully schedule a camp out this semester if not it will take place in the spring. October  29th will be book character dress up day.  

Communications Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. Elizabeth Conrad is the  communications chair for the news letter. Her contact information is: elizabethconrad@me.com. If you  have any social media post reach out to Annamarie Saavedra via email:  

wellspta_president@yahoo.com . Paige Reagan is responsible for the PTA website content. If you  need to add anything or make changes to the website you can contact her via email at:  wellsptacommunication@gmail.com

Volunteers Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. A reminder that every month every grade  level will need volunteers to help with PTA folder stuffing. On the PTA website there is a page dedicated  to volunteer opportunities and you can find the link for the orange folder stuffing sign up there. Amy  Carter provided an update regarding hospitality, Spooky spuds lunch for the staff is coming up on Friday  the 29th. Before the thanksgiving break, staff will be receiving mini pies. In the future if there is a need  for parent volunteers to help, Amy Carter will let the PTA know. As a reminder if parents are interested  in volunteering with students, they must have a completed background check on file with PISD. If this is  not completed you will not be allowed to volunteer.  

Ways and means Report was presented by Annamarie Saavedra. Important dates coming up are as  follows:  

  • October 28 Chick Fil A Spirit night 4-8pm 
  • November 11-19th Book fair 
  • November 10-18th Sole(Sweats or Leave Early) passes sale 

Write a check campaign raised slightly over $2,000.00 to date. The goal was $5,500. The funds from this  campaign go toward things such as purchasing and installing new bike racks and field trips. This will be  publicized more now that the PTA news letter is going out. The book fair chair for this year is Carla  Hackaday and her contact info is: carolinahmc@gmail.com. There will be more information to come  regarding the book fair. 

Wells Administrative Staff Report was presented by Principal Sara Meyer. Right now enrollment is at  approximately 500 students. Enrollment is usually around 555-565. If students selected virtual  academy for the remainder of the year they are removed from the Wells roster. Reflecting on the first  nine weeks, feels like things are a little more back to normal. The students and staff perseverance,  flexibility and compassion was amazing to watch. Extra time was spent on SEL community building  activities to welcome everyone back together. Setting expectations and practicing routines was an  adjustment period but everyone did great. Turnout for virtual conferences was great. Sara Meyer  expressed a big appreciation for the PTA and their contribution to it being the wonderful school that it is. 

A plan for parent reservation lunches with students is being drafted. Beginning November 1st there is a  plan for parents to have the opportunity to have lunch with their students. Based on the updated  guidelines, cafeteria visitors are still not allowed therefore a creative way for this to take place will be  allowing parent/visitor lunches in the hallway by the library. Spots will need to be reserved via a sign up  genius. If spots are full parents are allowed to check out their student and they can have lunch outside  in the benches nearby. Visitors that wish to have lunch with their student do not need to have a  background check. Stacy Lawrence shared that some parents background checks are not going through  because they are not completing the last few clicks in the process. Shonda Mashburn shared that a flyer  went out in the orange PTA folders regarding the up coming flags of honor event to honor veterans. It  will be a partnership with the City of Plano.  

Questions, comments, new business: A question was asked about indoor recess: what activity options  do the students have when there is indoor recess? Do classrooms need maker space activities or board  games that the PTA can contribute to for rainy days? Sara Meyer explained that grades were giving  students choices, she will check with grade level team leaders to see what options students are choosing  from and if board game inventories need to be refreshed or if new items are needed and she will follow  up.  


Important Dates: 

Board Meeting Dates: 

  • Friday, November 12th at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, December 3rd at 8:00 am 
  • Friday, January 14th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, February 11th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, March 18th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, April 8th at 8:00am 
  • Friday, May 6th at 8:00am 

General Meeting Dates: 

  • Thursday, December 9th at 8:00am 

Meeting adjourned at 4:48pm. 



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