Wells Elementary PTA – General Meeting Minutes
December 15th, 2021
The general meeting of the Wells Elementary PTA was called to order on December 15th, 2021 at 8:05 am via zoom by VP Ways & Means, Gayle Stanley with secretary, Joanne Carrasco, being present. A quorum was established.
The minutes of the previous general meeting from October 21st, 2021 were presented and approved. The treasurer’s report showed:
The bank account situation remains the same regarding the fraudulent check. Capital One needs a form completed and notarized. The hope is to have this done by the return of the winter break.
No treasurer report was presented.
There was no correspondence to share with the membership.
President’s Report was presented by Gayle Stanley. Thank you to everyone for a great first semester. As next semester approaches we will be recruiting for the PTA board. If anyone knows anyone interested please email any of the PTA members to get people in place for next year.
Programs Report was presented by Gayle Stanley. Looking forward to the following activities: Movie night, Wells reads one book, Multicultural night and earth week are planned for next semester.
Volunteers Report was presented by Gayle Stanley. We have been given the OK to host winter parties. They will take place on Thursday December 16, grades K-4 will be at 12:30-1:30. Grades 1, 3, 5 will be at 1:30-2:30. GLC’s are allowed to arrive 15 minutes prior to the party start times. Amy Carter has been doing a great job with hospitality. Yesterday the staff enjoyed the treat cart.
Ways and means Report was presented by Gayle Stanley. The write a check campaign generated $2,100.00. These funds will go towards the new bike racks. Once the banking situation gets resolved the racks can be installed. Jolie passes generated $755.00, sprit night generated: $500.00, world wear bin generated a little over $600.00. We will be going forward with adding the 2nd bin. The big fundraiser for the next semester will be the Spring Fling/Auction. Gayle Stanley will be sending out more information. A committee will need to be formed. We will need business sponsorships. The time frame will be in March-April. Events coming up are: Read a-thon, spirit nights, Jole passes sale coming up. The book fair chairs: Callie McDougall and Carla Hackaday did a great job with the book fair. There might be interest in doing a spring book fair. Kindergarten has a filed trip lined up in late spring. The 5th grade trip hasn’t been finalized.
Wells Administrative Staff Report was presented by Principal Sara Meyer. Winter parties are upcoming. The staff have tried to be creative to bring back normalcy for the students while keeping in mind district protocols. There were sign ups for volunteers. Student and staff are getting excited. The sign ups will be
shut down today December 15th so that the staff can pre-run security badges to help with arrival process. Mid year testing is underway, most MAP testing is done. Literacy portfolio will happen in January, this will help drive instruction. A new librarian and CTA have been hired to replace Angelia and Marie. Sara Meyer thanked the PTA and volunteers for helping in ways that are not always seen. Stacy Lawrence requested a list of GLC’s to provide Julie Sharp to have labels ready for winter parties.
Questions, comments, new business: There are concerns about 4th grade behavior spilling out to the park and possibly bullying. Is this happening school wide? Sara Meyer indicated details can’t be discussed. There have been issues with students behavior and students acclimating back to school and what is and isn’t allowed. In 4th grade earlier in the year things were happening routinely at recess. The staff has had to re-asses how recess is being organized, how transitions happen, how students are allowed to play safely. When things like this happen the staff takes a step back to see what can be done differently to help. It's not that there have been an escalation of things happen at school in 4th grade recently. There seems to be escalations at the playground after school that have involved some 4th grade and 5th graders. It's been brought to light that there were a lot of unsupervised children at the park. There was talk in the community to get parents to supervise their children or contact the police. Those are parents choices and rights at the park since school staff is not supervising at that point. If the staff hears of anything that happens at the park that is being brought in to school (ex: someone is fearful to walk home after school because they normally go by the park) the staff will help the student at school, communicate with the parents of both or multiple students involved to let them know this feeling or thought is there. If its in the school setting the staff tries to address it. If its things that are happening at the park when staff isn’t supervising its hard because the staff isn’t there to watch or know all sides of the story. Stacy Lawrence indicated it's possible that social media has amplified these events. In talking to district they provide support to help the staff walk through if are discipline concerns on campus. There is a progression that has to take place and it's possible there is speculation that concerns are not being addressed. If anyone feels their children are being impacted, they should talk to the staff in case there are concerns that the staff isn’t aware of or ways to assure them they are working through disciplinary steps and safety steps when needed. There is a progression that needs to take place. If anyone has specific concerns they are encouraged to talk to the staff. If needed disciplinary steps are progressive and cannot always be talked about as they are specific to students. A parent suggested asking tiger dads to help out during recess or being a presence in school and help the boys. Possibly even having story time with “Dad” or a male figure might help the culture. Pre-covid tiger watch dogs was in place. Now that volunteers are allowed on campus it would be great to bring back a program like this for the spring semester. If anyone has dad, grandparent figure that has time to volunteer please reach out to the staff or PTA to get involved with helping.
Important Dates:
Board Meeting Dates:
- Friday, January 14th at 8:00am
- Friday, February 11th at 8:00am
- Friday, March 18th at 8:00am
- Friday, April 8th at 8:00am
- Friday, May 6th at 8:00am
General Meeting Dates:
- Wednesday, March 30th at 8:00am
- Thursday, April 28th at 4:00pm
- Wednesday, May 18th at 8:00am
Meeting adjourned at 8:34am.
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- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Thursday, March 13